Nuffnang Ads

Sunday, December 2, 2007

EDITED>>>below 1 new entry!!!
At kor house
we: bUbbles-pAm, blOssOm-angElinE, kitkat chocolate cup-siN yEe, prOfesseR Jaimsium-jaime , mO jOjO bOon-swEe bOon
ha ha today we (sexy and sweet power puff gals blossom,bubbles and mO jO jO bOon)
kitkat chocolate cup could went to malaysia
to save the citizens there so she could
not join us it's ok next we can still
eat again with our next mission
to go =DDD may be IVINs or marche
hoa hoaa hoaaa.....
went to eat prata at casurina (thinkit is spelt this way =)))
and then we came back straight to
ang mo kio he he but we did not take bus
instead we walk-ed home with a new route and
something came to our mind when we saw
A GROUP OF PEOPLE cycling and
we thought if we could cycle around
along the roadss next time ha ha sounds fun ya
(angeline type de)
pam:waaa no fullstop!!!hahaa
yupps fun meet up soon !!!hehe
(jAIME JUX COME)fullstop.
i m feeling hungry alr....
omg his house like gal gal house...
so hotel...
some more he so pampered
he jux gt his new hi-5
nt fair!!!!!
i wan!!!!
we jux found out this
swee boon 's name
स्वी बून (swee boon hindu name) Jaime:then, jaime bought cambell mushroom soup to eat।
then, they all went into the rooms
to do what ever they were doing
then pOor jaime eat alone
so bad right that ah gOng!! (by jaime. =p)
then, after a while, angeline had
to go already. dono go with her
parents or meet her friends.
like that lo..

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