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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I came across Loading Artist and saw this.
Damn cute right?
I like the TOMATO reaction.
You can take a look at the rest of the comics strips @

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Don't you agree?
Seems that time pass so fast ,
I have grown up.
Grandparents divorced,
One by one left.
Parents divorce.
Been chased out of the house.
What's next.
Sometimes I feel so invisible in this family.
Or rather a maid.
I m just asking you nicely ,
Don't reply me for the sake of replying me or rather
argue with me like as if my day has been as good.
I have been helping this family don't you think ?
Or am I a jinx to you.
Sick and tired.
I visited grandpa at the hospital knowing
there's not much time left.
with the needle insert into his swollen arm,
the machine attached to his nose for survival purpose ,
him not able to communicate to us and perspiring all over.
not able to tell us his discomfort.
Really is a heart-aching sight.
I had not been a good granddaughter neither any role in this family.
Thoughts of escaping fills my mind.
But what can I do with this timid character of mine?

Peng Chin This is for you.

I don want be like this in future.!!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

This song suits this SEXY chicken!
I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love
Love's going to leave me

Don't you think you are being too cruel to this live lobster to see
its own species cooked and ready to be eaten?